
Hugo was born to a religious family, his father Theodor being the local church reverend and a figure of spiritual guidance for the small town community. At the age of 7, Hugo was transferred to the custody of the capital city clergy for psychological diagnosis and observation, after repeated events where he claimed to hear "voices of spirits". Such acts of heresy brought shame on his family, and his father had chosen the priesthood over his son.
After 5 years of being locked up and tested on, Hugo finally managed to escape. A thundering explosion was heard from his room, and by the time his room was checked only thick dark smoke remained.
Hugo spent most of his life in the deep forests, where he could hear the spirits loudest. It was there where he was first named 'Mzuka'. The word of his great healing abilities spread quickly, and individuals from great distances came to see him, bearing gifts as payment. But with his powers to heal Hugo also gained the ability to cause harm. Constantly being challenged by the spirits, Hugo is in an everlasting inner battle with his own demons.

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